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Ethereal Guardians

Representing Administration and Governance. These members are the custodians of laws, policies, and the vision of the planet, ensuring harmony and order.


Aurora Alchemists

Representing Finance and Resource Management. These individuals manage wealth, distribute resources, and ensure economic stability.


Verdant Keepers

Representing Labors, Farmers, and Environment caretakers. Focused on agriculture, sustainability, and preserving the natural beauty and balance of the planet.


Stellar Sentinels

Representing warriors, soldiers, and protection forces. Tasked with ensuring the safety and security of the community from any threats.


Quantum Innovators

Representing technology and research. Driving innovation, technological advancement, and the creation of futuristic tools for the community.


Eminence Builders

Representing business, trade, and industrial development. These members create commerce opportunities, manufacture goods, and foster economic growth.


Harmonic Luminaries

Representing cultural, educational, and mindfulness roles. These individuals promote art, learning, spirituality, and the overall mental well-being of the community.

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Deployed in BSC Smart Chain SC

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No Admin, No Human Interfrence

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Fully Encrypted P2P Transaction

Global Audience

Acceptance to All in Common

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Get ready oo create a harmonious universe where communities collaborate for eternal joy and well-being. Building a Layer-2 EVM-based EDEN DAO VARSE where every member contributes to prosperity while deriving real-world and virtual utilities from the ecosystem.

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Our Presence

More than 10 countries worldwide in our community.

Take advantage of our global presence to ensure optimal performance. Since your users are spread across various locations, it's important to identify the node locations that provides the best experience for your members.
United States
South Africa
UK Paris Italy Amsterdam Dubai Vietnam NYC Malaysia Singapore Sydney Bali Bangkok Jakarta
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